On 30th March, we will be sleeping on Wallington High Street with residents to raise money for Shelter!
This is open to absolutely everybody! Invite friends and family, and spread the word! We don't just want Conservatives, we want people who care about their community and want to give back, and to prove that young people in the Borough also care about their local areas!
I hope to see many of you there! We will be providing teas/coffees/etc, and we hope to have a number of speakers too! Here's the provisional agenda, I shall add to it as we know more!
Arrive: 9pm
Drinks and Introductions: 9pm-9.30pm
Speech from Sutton Borough Conservative Future Chairman Elliot Colburn: 9:30pm-9:45pm
Speech from London Assembly Member for Croydon & Sutton Steve O'Connell: 9:45pm-10:00pm
Speech from Guest Speaker (Possibly an MP, Parliamentary Candidate, MEP, etc): 10:15pm-10:30pm
Group Discussion Question - "What Should Sutton Council's Homelessness Relief Strategy Look Like As Part Of The London Wide Campaign To End Homelessness In The Capital?": 10:30pm - 11:30pm
Sleep Out: 11:30pm - 6:00am
The minimum donation for each participant will be £1 (£2 for members; £5 for candidates). Each participant will be given a donation package, which will include a sponsorship sheet, so they can collect donations. We will also have an online donation account for people to donate on the internet. 10% of the donations will go to the Sutton Borough Conservative Future Social Action Project Fund, so that we can put on more of these projects in the future! All the rest will go to a homeless charity!
We need YOU to make this a success, regardless of political belief, so come along and/or donate what you can! For interested parties who may be vulnerable to sleeping outside, we welcome you to join us for drinks, speeches and the discussion. Please spread the word and help make this a success!
Please bring your own sleeping materials and wrap up warm!