In 2004 our Son, Grandson and Brother Anthony Forzani died aged 10. This July would be his 21st Birthday and 30 years since my Father's Tony Death in 1984 from a Lymphoma. We are looking to celebrate his life as well as raise awareness of issues that still occur today.Anthony had Leukaemia for over four years spending most of this time without moaning or fuss in the Royal Marsden. Unfortunately the traditional treatment failed so he had to undergo experimental medication which made him very ill and had no effect. Luckily he had four perfect donor matches but all refused to be his donor, it then took the Anthony Nolan trust almost a year to persuade the eventual donor who was a 50-75% match. This only happened because they were offered to be one of the first stem cell donors in the country which is less painful than the bone marrow route. Unfortunately the match was not good enough and his little body could not take anymore treatment so we had to accept a terminal diagnosis as we couldn't see him suffer anymore. We set up this challenge to Raise awareness of the plight of families like ourselves and increase the number of people who sign up to the Anthony Nola register, we want people to realise that ignorance is killing those who could be saved as he should be here today swimming instead of us. I Simon Forzani will be swimming 32KM myself under the official channel swim rules with my wife Simone, Mother Janet and two children Nia and Luca helping by swimming with me and doing various fundraising on the day. We have been swimming and training everyday for over a year for this event but every day has been worth it if we can stop at least one child from dying. We are so proud of him , he is our Angel who is always in our heart s, He gives us joy even 10 years after his death as he touched so many peoples lives and moved me to dedicate myself to working with Charities( I currently support people to set up their own charities and help charities in need around the Southeast) and those who are more vulnerable within our society. On the 11th Instead of having a takeaway lunch or fancy coffee, please sign up to the Anthony Nolan register or donate the money you would of spent to our cause. Thank you for reading this.
The Forzani Family