Save The Hour is a campaign of hundreds from around the world campaigning to convince the BBC to reconsider cancellation of a sophisticated, poignant series plotted out as a three series arc, but cut short at two series on a major cliffhanger.
As a group we have decided to raise money for the National Literacy Trust. Here's why:
Though we are aware this is most certainly not the typical fundraiser, we decided that rather than simply taking up funds to send in an overabundance of food items to the BBC as proof of our devotion to what this programme brings to the television landscape, we wanted to do something that was a much more effective, meaningful, and most importantly, helpful tribute to our belief in the sorely needed presence of The Hour.
We wanted to support a cause that lies very close to the heart of the themes of the show itself. When discussed and researched, our community overwhelmingly chose to raise money for literacy.
Did you know:
Literacy is the combination of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills we all need to fulfill our potential. One in six people in the UK struggle with literacy. “Around 16 per cent, or 5.2 million adults in England, can be described as “functionally illiterate”. They would not pass an English GCSE and have literacy levels at or below those expected of an 11-year-old.” (x) The National Literacy Trust helps both adults and children cultivate these skills.
How does The National Literacy Trust relate to The Hour?
A major thematic piece at the center of The Hour is the power of words.
It is a programme full of characters seeking to better themselves, their society, and their country primarily through words. As journalists they regularly write, read, and discuss important issues in the political and moral landscape. They also carry a strong conviction that everyone should have the opportunity to hear or read of said issues, evaluate them, and in turn communicate them to others, thus creating a better society for all. For them, these skills are essential to themselves and to the public, not only in every day life, but in influencing change and in reaching individual and the nation's collective potential.
This is why we chose the National Literacy Trust. As a champion of the power of words for every individual, we believe that Bel, Freddie, Lix, and the entire team would wholly support the outstanding work they do.
So what can your donation do to help?
* £7 could give a child a free book and motivate them to read through an inspirational event.
* £10 could support a reading session for three families, helping them gain the skills they need to support their children’s literacy.
* £20 could allow two disadvantaged teenagers to improve their communication skills in preparation for working life. (National Literacy Trust)
No matter how large or small, your donation can make a change.
We need you!
If you are a fan of this show, have simply heard of this show, believe in the educational and powerful material it presents, and/or just want to help us support the work of the National Literacy Trust, we hope you will contribute any amount no matter how large or small. Your donation goes straight to the National Literacy Trust.
Every bit helps!
While we do have a goal posted, we really hope to surpass it and more. So please keep giving.
*** Please, don’t forget to leave a message with your donation for the BBC asking them to keep The Hour, a show that regularly presents the remarkable power held in giving “words for life” to every individual, alive. We hope to inform them of this page. ***
Also, please promote our page! Regardless of what happens with our campaign, we are proud to help support a cause that is so closely tied to The Hour. Help us reach our goal!
SaveTheHour is run by Ashlee and Annie. Find out more about us here.