Duchess of Kent House (hospice) has 16 in-patient beds, day therapy facilities (3 days a week), out-patients and a Family Support Service (bereavement), providing palliative (hospice) care for the population of west and central Berkshire. In the last 15 years over 12,000 patients have been treated and cared-for by a team of 50 (full-time equivalent) consultants, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational and speech therapists, admin & site staff, etc. This care continues after death for those relatives who wish it through the FSS. All care is provided free of charge, according to need.
As with all parts of the National Health Service there is never enough money to pay for all aspects of what we technically call ‘specialist palliative care’.
This is where the independent charity Duchess of Kent House Trust comes in. Since 2002, the Duchess of Kent House Trust (independent charity) has raised £1,500,000 for the unit to pay for the Family Support Service, 2 in-patient beds otherwise not available, the dietician, chaplaincy, psychologist, aromatherapist, and equipment. Please support this local charity caring for local patients and their families. Thank you very much.