Your friends are fundraising. Don't miss out, opt in.
ROHHAD is a rare life threatening and life limiting condition affecting Children worldwide. The Charity mission is to - Fund and promote research leading to a new understanding of and treatments for ROHHAD, one day leading to a cure. We also offer support to those affected and raise vital awareness
ROHHAD Association Registered charity number SC045645
"Donation from a Christmas jumper meeting going to great cause. Thanks Tracy"
GGC PEF and CHEF team donated
£190.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"£40 Emma& Gav (Luca's Auntie & Uncle); £20 Chris Davies, £10 Yvette Rees, £5 Tina Louise Davies. Thank you all so much. In memory of our Luca. Go on guys, smash it again on the 28th Aug. "
Angelo Pucella donated
£75.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Well done all!!!"
The Booths donated
£10.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Well done everyone for completing the challenge. "
Carola (Luca's nan's friend) donated
£20.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"To Angelo, Beth & Sofia - Well done. From Arran your pilot aka Navy Seal, Casey Rybeck, Chef, Air Traffic Control, Steven Seagal. "
On behalf of Arran our pilot - Angelo & Beth Pucella donated
£90.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Well done Angelo and family and the rest of the team. Great achievement. "
Lads and Dads Support Group donated
£50.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
James Lindsay has raised $1,982.41 so far
I'm 24 hour pool marathon to raise awareness for ROHHA for James Lindsay because The charity receives no government funding
louise smyth has raised $1,114.68 so far
Noah's Big Haircut 24th June
Angelo Pucella has raised $58.31 so far
I'm Badgers Tour 2019 for Angelo Pucella because Luca was your No.1 fan/supporter