Thanks for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page, we believe it is vitally important to raise awareness and break the taboo surrounding suicide in this country.
If you'd like to join us, you can find all the details on the following Facebook event:
Everyone is welcome to come out to walk as much or as little of the route as they wish. Or, if you don't want to walk, why not sign up to offer support for the walkers?
Our route will be:
Stage 1: Tesco to Richmond Pool - Setting off at 09:00 (both groups)
Stage 2: Richmond Pool to Tesco - Setting off at 10:00 (G1) or 10:15 (G2)
Stage 3: Tesco to Scotton - Setting off at 11:30 (G1) or 12:00 (G2)
Stage 4: Scotton to Tesco - Setting off at 13:00 (G1) or 14:00 (G2)