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Reverse Rett is a patient advocacy and research organisation focused on delivering treatment for Rett Syndrome to all affected. Read more here: For Rett Registry UK:
Reverse Rett Registered charity number 1136809
"Edie my gorgeous granddaughter is now 9. Still hoping for a breakthrough in research that will make her life and her families easier. Can't give up! "
charmaine appleby donated
£10.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Edie my gorgeous granddaughter is now 9. Still hoping for a breakthrough in research that will make her life and her families easier. Can't give up!"
Marc Souter has raised $1,236,862.23 so far
I'm Funding research into curing Rett Syndrome for Marc Souter because it is a REVERSIBLE disease
Jenny Howe has raised $86,065.20 so far
I'm I am fundraising for research for Jenny Howe because Blake has no hope of a cure if I don't.
David Ford has raised $37,977.38 so far
I'm I will be performing a concert from my garage for David Ford because it is a wonderful cause that needs money
Vincent Johnsson has raised $24,530.07 so far
I'm I’m running cycling crawling 5k a day for 500 days for Vincent Johnsson because I can whilst my daughter can’t but you can help.
Cecile Maire has raised $16,249.73 so far
NIAMH COSTIGAN has raised $13,578.01 so far
I'm Fighting for a cure for MECP2 Duplication Syndrome for NIAMH COSTIGAN because the research they fund could make it reversible