Pennies for Puppies = Pounds for HoundsI am disabled and have a wonderful companion and assistance dog called 'Henry' from Dogs for the Disabled. I certainly wouldn't have him without the fundraising efforts of Marie, a friend of mine and her wonderful assistance dog 'Venny'
Sadly Venny died suddenly aged 11 earlier this year leaving my friends life devestated. She misses him dearly and is currently without all the help these wonderful dogs are able to give.
Venny was a wonderful ambassador for the charity and raised a huge amount of money in his own right.
The cost of an assistance dog is estimated to be around £5,000 for its initial training and subsequent placement with a disabled person.
I have set a very ambitious target of £5,000 for this fundrasing effort to fully cover the cost of Marie's new assistance dog.
Pennies for Puppies = Pounds for HoundsHopefully we can raise this together by spreading the word, if everyone who sees this site dontates just £1 and spreads the word to their families and friends and email contacts too we may achieve my target

Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to donate: Dogs For The Disabled will receive your money electronically and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in Gift Aid will be added to your donation at no cost to you.
Please donate as generously as you can.
Many thanks for your support.