#### Important update####
It is with massive regret that I have to announce I won't be running the marathon on Sunday.
Went to the physio and docs last week to see what could be done about my knee hurting all the time, and was told I've got something called ITB syndrome.
Bad news - cant run for 6 weeks, and then only with more physio.
Good news - it's treatable, just takes time.
Sadly, I feel I'm letting
HAY, down, as people have donated (and pledged mto danate) on the premise that I ran 26.2 miles around London on 26 April.
Now I won't be.
Having spoken to a handful of people who have sponsored me, they're happy for the money to be going to the charity - "you've been training so hard" and "you've already run more than 600 miles?!" - but it still feels like a bit of a cheat.
To try to alleviate that feeling,
Leigh Church - probably the finest scientific mind of the 21st century - has agreed to be HAY's substitute runner.
Leigh is a chicken keeping scientist from near Birmingham who, like me, got a ballot place.
I 'met' Leigh via the blogosphere - he blogs on his running and chicken-keeping antics - and I asked him if he'd consider being HAY's substitute marathoner.
He kindly agreed, so they still have someone running for them - which I hope means people don't feel like they've been had.
If anyone wants to discuss any of this, email me via
my blog.