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PCD Research is a medical research charity dedicated to advancing the health of children and adults with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, involving motile or non-motile ciliary dysfunction. Currently there are no treatments that have been shown to prevent or reduce permanent lung damage caused by PCD.
PCD Research Registered charity number 1197528
"With thanks, Robert"
Robert donated
"On behalf of FWD"
Anonymous donated
"Keep up the great work!"
Mishka Mathur donated
£10.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Go-go-go runners, will cheer for you from the start to finish. xx"
Maxim, Sophia, Ekaterina and Kiril donated
"Go PCD Research go! Xx"
Natalie Gehl donated
£100.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Inspired by Owen from Mawdesley"
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Ian Brooks has raised $51,269.04 so far
I'm We are raising money for Ian Brooks because our son has the rare condition
David Brooks has raised $864.48 so far
100,000 for 100,000