Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice Peterborough
A society where the voices of people who are dying or grieving are heard, where everyone gets the care and support they need and services are integrated with the wider healthcare system.
A society where everybody can have open and honest conversations with their friends and family to help them prepare for death and where people with a life-limiting diagnosis are supported to live well in the time they have left.
I will be ‘Braving the Shave’ on Friday 15th March 2024 at our Queensgate Bus Station Canteen at 10:30. I’ll be shaving my head down to a number 2 (with the help of my fellow Bus drivers!) and loosing 20 inches of hair (I hope to donate the hair to a hair charity for people who need wigs after treatment or children with alopecia )
Here at Peterborough Depot, we have had and have colleagues who are going through various cancer treatments and Thorpe Hall Hospice is our local charity that we raise funds for. If we raise £1000.00 then Stagecoach East will match that number for our charity. Please support my endeavour, whatever you give it will be most appreciated, by us at Peterborough Depot and more importantly, Thorpe Hall Hospice.