Thank you for making a donation to support research into antibiotic resistance in memory of John Rigarlsford.
At one time or another we all need these vital medicines for ourselves or our loved ones.
Unfortunately our options are running out as more and more bacteria become resistant to the drugs in our armoury.
Resistance to antibiotics arises when natural bacteria in our body are no longer affected by the antibiotics we use. The antibiotics stop working with potentially devastating results. Nearly every medical procedure, from cancer treatment and organ transplantation to hip or joint replacement, is dependent on effective antibiotics.
Increasing antibiotic resistance is a global health issue which John was especially passionate about given his background in microbiology.
Charities like Antibiotic Research UK offer hope of discovering new antibiotics and new ways of using the ones we've got to ensure that we can maintain the edge when it comes to fighting killer bugs.
All donations will go towards supporting their research into new antibiotic therapies and will help to fund education and awareness programmes.
If you're a taxpayer please giftaid your donation as John was always keen to make giving as tax efficient as possible.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.