My number one goal in life is to help and please others. I once was a helpless child with no hope or aspiration. This changed in secondary school when I was enlightened and guided on what I wanted. It only takes one person to motivate you and help you in the right direction. Seeing a person helping numerous people inspired me to do the same. Since I have been helping people all I feel is happiness. Making a person happy fills my heart with joy.
In the world there is approximately 2.2 billion children. Half of those children are living in poverty. In this day and age we take so many things for granted and not appreciate the little things. Most people have shelter. Most people have a bed. Most people have a room. Kids in poverty have none of the above yet they still smile and are appreciative of the fact that they are alive. We should aspire to be like these humbled kids. We should help these kids develop even further to become mature adults, and further inspire those who were in their position.
This is just the start of what I aspire to do. I will never stop helping people. I am putting the love for my hair aside for the bigger love I have for human beings. The money raised will help save hundreds of children hopefully, from giving them an education to medical attention. I believe in this world we take more than we give. It should be the other way round. We can achieve this together.
I will be working alongside a teacher who inspired me to do this. She will be raising money too through a charity game. I hope that I can raise the target amount and also inspire you just how this teacher inspired me.
As the great Charles Dickens once said, "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another."
Thank you