U P D A T E :
Team O'Hara has grown! We now have three members. Nickie, Rachel and Trish.
Nickie's Story:
In 1992 our 14 month old daughter, Rachel, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. You can read our story here. Without the support of any type of cancer research, medical developments or hospital availablility, Rachel would not be here with us today.
Rachel's Story
I have everyone at Pendlebury Hospital in Manchester for my life today. I was treated for cancer in 1992 and given the all clear when I was 16 years old. If running the Race For Life helps more children survive cancer then it is the least I can do.
Trisha's Story:
I am running the Race For Life for a close workmate - Phil - who is a survivor of male breast cancer. He had to have a masectomy. My race is to let people know it's just just us ladies who can suffer from this type of cancer.
And the rest...
Now you're here, please can you spare a small dontation to help an amazing charity? Once you have donated (tax payers - don't forget to claim "gift aid". That. Is. Important!) please share this page with your friends and family and help me hit my target.
Thanks to you all
Nickie, Rachel, Trish