And we are done.... but not quite! Finished in 4:49:38 hard work, especially from 21 onwards, but who said it would be easy eh? Having problems getting my medal photo uploaded at the mo so you will have to take it as read or check Facebook for proof! Thanks so much for your continued support, now let's just sneak it up to £2,500 eh?
Thanks, Adam.
15th April, so very nearly there! Thanks so much for everyones support and donations. It's a major feel good buzz when I know there are so many people helping me along the way with both the targets.
Will try to do you all proud!
UPDATE 14/04/11 - 100% to 80% - what happened there?
Well the legend that is Mike Shattock got me to 100% (btw if you want to read about real effort go to so why stop there I thought? I've updated the target so let's see if we get reach another 100%!
Thanks guys, Adam.
UPDATE 11/04/11 (6 days to go!!!)
So close now, both the run and the target! 90% folks, brilliant effort, now just get me over the line with this and i'll get me over that finish line!
Thanks again, Adam.
UPDATE 04/04/11 (13 days to go!)
75% of the way there guys, thank you so much for your support. Please encourage and friends/relatives to give what they can for the final push. I have now completed my last 'big' training run, 22 miles yesterday, so now just need to stay injury free for the next 13 days.
Thanks, Adam.
UPDATE 23/03/11 (25 days to go!)
Added some 'offline' donations, getting close to the four figures - who will be the person to take me over the 50% mark?
Training going ok, up to 277 miles and a 20 miler under the belt, still lots of plodding to go.
UPDATE 12-03-11 (36 days to go!)
Well so far its been 220 training miles, with my biggest single run so far being a 19 miler last Saturday.
It's been hard work but rewarding every time I break a new furthest distance I feel a sense of excitement of the big one ahead.
Thank you all who have dontated so far, it really is very much appreciated, please pass on the page details* to as many people as you can and encourge others to get the same feel good buzz as you did after adding to the total!
Thanks again
Page details*
My You Tube video is here;
My Facebook page is here;
Most important of all is, well, HERE -
As most of you reading this will know I’m very easily influenced by my mates. Be it a night on the beer, weekend away, lads holiday or chip in for a bet on Sad Ken the three legged horse running in the 3.30 at Kempton, I am always in.
However I’ve been slightly less keen to join the recent craze of marathon running, until now. On 17th April 2011 I will be attempting to run the London Marathon to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society.
Alzheimer’s is a truly horrific disease that can strike anyone without cause and is up to now incurable. The disease has terrible effects on the brain of the sufferer and also creates a horrible experience for the friends and families for those sufferers as they can do little to help as their loved ones become progressively worse with most Alzheimer’s patients inevitably ending up in full time care; essentially waiting for their body to shut down.
Unfortunately, one of my best friend's fathers has been a victim of such a condition while also one of my grandparents suffered in her final years. So I have seen at close quarters the issues that Alzheimer's causes to the sufferer and also the family.
Since early 2008, my friend Adrian has ran both the London (2008) and New York (2009) marathon and has raised over 15K, plus in 2010 another friend James raised 6K running the London marathon, all for the Alzheimer’s charity. This has been spent on further research, care for Adrian’s father and other sufferers and support for him and his family.
We are a very optimistic and dedicated bunch of friends who have supported each other, with a lot of laughter and a few tears at times. So while aiming to raise funds for Alzheimer’s I’ll be calling on a lot of optimism and dedication as I lug my (hopefully soon to be reduced in size) belly and bones through the next few months training.
With a bit of luck the above will give you that extra nudge now you have got to the page to dig deep and make a contribution (don't forget the Gift Aid!) to this charity in order to aid the research of this disease and to make the life of current sufferers and also their families and support networks more bearable.
In order to learn more about the work that the Alzheimer’s Society do please visit
Thank you
EDIT - Since I setup this page and started my training Adrian's father Mick has sadly passed away. This if anything has focused all our minds even more to ensure our efforts earn as much as possible towards the cause.