After a lifetime of throwing myself down things, I've recently started going up them.
This August, I'm going to try and climb up Mount Whitney. This is not in itself particularly hard. Very many people do it every year.
But they take two or more days about it.
I'm going to try and do it in a day. That's 22 miles, with over 2,000m of ascent, all at altitude. If fatigue doesn't get me, altitude sickness will do its best. If they both fail, there are bears and lions.
If I do not make the summit by early afternoon, I risk being caught in the violent electrical storms that are an almost daily occurrence up there.
If that were not enough, take a look at the thing, this is no Whernside.
So I'd like you to sponsor me. Any money you pledge will go directly to International Rescue - so that Scott, Virgil, and Brains can carry on their good work. Except for the 5% that JustGiving shamelessly skims off the top so that they can employ a team of 50 people to maintain this quite shoddy website. I can't wait for
Virgin Money Giving to launch.
* Please note, International Rescue Corps is a serious real charity that does good work, it is not run by puppets, and they do not drive rocket ships.