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The London Legal Support Trust supports the work of social welfare legal centres in London and the Home Counties. Funds raised are targeted to assist requests for help from the centres. This financial aid helps the legal centres overcome funding crises, develop new services, support appeals and improve their premises.
London Legal Support Trust Registered charity number 1101906
"Happy 50th birthday Amanda, love Morayo, Steve, Sean, Macy and Miles"
Morayo Fagborun Bennett donated
"HI Bob, sorry that I missed the walk and the donation deadline. Hope to see you agin next year. Kind regards Denise"
Anonymous donated
£40.00 + £10.00 Gift Aid
"Thanks to Adam at DH Law for his help and time"
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"This gift is in memory of Pete Gardner's mother who passed away recently"
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"For Sarah's walk"
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"In fond memory of Susannah Uglow."
P H has raised $2,559.53 so far
Great Legal Bake (PH) - 2022
Bob Nightingale has raised $1,683.68 so far
Capsticks' Christmas Raffle
Laura Marinello has raised $1,086.62 so far
Simmons & Simmons iPhone Upgrades - London Legal Support Trust
Forty Two Bedford Row Quizzers has raised $1,008.77 so far
I'm @RachelChan42BR is hosting the Great Legal Quiz for Forty Two Bedford Row Quizzers because your monies are needed more than ever!
Patricia Sucher has raised $472.73 so far
Patricia's Great Legal Quiz 2021
London Legal CSR Champions has raised $456.51 so far
London Legal CSR 's Department Walk/Pub Crawl