Larry is taking on the huge challenge of walking the St James Way Pilgrim Walk to raise funds for the Brainwave centre. The walk is 170 miles long and it takes 12 days of walking an average of 15 miles a day ending in Santiago de Compestela.
This walk is in aid of the Brainwave Centre which supports his grandson William. William is 2 and has severe cerebral palsy, he is unable to sit or stand unaided and has very little control over his movements, he has visual impairment and is unable to speak.
By following the programme the Brainwave Centre have created for him, it is hoped that his control will improve and he may be able to sit for short periods.
You can follow Williams progress on his blog
Brainwave recieves no government funding and the 3500GBP it costs for each child to follow the programme for a year is funded purely through donations and fundraising events.
Each penny you can spare will make this walk that little bit easier, and will at least make the blisters worth while!
Thank you for your support!