Hi everyone
Having got a ballot place for the London marathon and being plagued by injury I had decided not to raise money for charity, just incase I didn't make it to the start line. But now we're into the training taper I think I'm safe (ish!).
Deciding which charity to raise a few pennies for wasn't difficult after watching the horrific footage of the devastation on Japan. It has certainly helped to put my marathon training into perspective.
I completed my longest training run of 20 miles last weekend and I'm now looking forward to the big day on April 17th. To run the London marathon will fulfil a personal ambition and will hopefully be a day to remember forever, but if I can make it even more worthwhile by raising some money for an important charity it would make it even more special.
So, dig deep everyone and donate a little for this charity, lets help try to make things a bit better for the folk in Japan who are struggling to get their lives back together.