** UPDATE **
Well, I did it in 4h47 - which was slower than I hoped but probably better than it feels - it was a manky hot day and everyone seemed to struggle just a little bit.
But the most important thing is that I finished and raised £3,000 (with matching) for the folks at Diabetes UK. Thank you all very much for sponsoring me (and it's not too late to get someone else to sponsor me).
And now I think I'll take a nice long rest ;)
Cheers everyone!
That's right! I'm running the London Flora Marathon 2009 on Sunday April 26th. Cue Rocky soundtrack, drinking loads of raw eggs and the like.
To mark this wonderful occasion, which will either be the best or worst day of my life depending on how the training goes, I'm asking you to SPONSOR ME. Not only that, but I'm asking for ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS to sponsor me, and in fact ALL OF THEIR FRIENDS as well - and indeed ANYONE YOU KNOW. Please spread the word, invite people to this event, point them in my direction or whatnot.
http://www.justgiving.com/jason_d_knightBut not just for me. I'm running for Diabetes UK
http://www.diabetes.org.uk/Diabetes UK are a leading charity dedicated to care and research into Diabetes, and make a real difference to the lives of over 2 million people in the UK. Every penny you donate (+Gift Aid if applicable) will go straight to Diabetes UK and help make a real difference.
Please give generously!
Jason Knight