L'Arche Workshops provide a valuable service to adults with learning disabilities in Inverness and the surrounding area. Each person who attends the service is treated as an individual and no matter what their abilities are their skills are encouraged and welcomed. L'Arche Inverness provides work experience in making candles, gardening, woodwork, and life skills such baking and crafts. In order to feel a sense of achievement all members are paid a nominal wage every week. Up until 2009 L’Arche’s local residents were funded to attend regularly through outside sources. However this was sadly cut and they now must seek independent funding in order to continue taking part in the workshop service. Unfortunately most residents are unable to secure this funding independently and therefore are unable to attend. We are aiming to raise enough money to sponsor a person with a disability to attend the workshops once a week for a year. The cost of this is just over £2000. By donating to this page you are contributing to the possibility of someone having meaningful work and sense of belonging.
Thank-you, Holly and Petyo