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Watan UK's formally Human care Syria purpose is to reduce the humanitarian suffering and contribute to sustainable development for an all inclusive and harmonious society in Syria.
WATAN UK Registered charity number 1145092
"Sadaqah InshaAllah "
Anonymous donated
"zakaat donation iA May Allah bless you all with true success in both worlds, ameen"
£70.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakahtuh"
"PLEASE accept this Zakah"
RS AHMAD donated
£20.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"zakaat donation iA"
£60.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Bayan Hawa has raised $19,872.08 so far
I'm To provide food water, hygiene kits and shelter for Bayan Hawa because Watan are on the ground delivering in Lockdown
Fatima Faki has raised $13,781.57 so far
I'm to provide food, water and shelter in Lockdown for Fatima Faki because Watan are on the ground delivering to the neediest
Aisha Rosalie has raised $13,727.89 so far
I'm I am raising funds for Aisha Rosalie because our brothers and sisters in Turkey/Syria need help
Watan Campaigns Campaigns has raised $2,169.36 so far
I'm We are fundrasing for Watan Campaigns Campaigns because they are delivering aid to many affected areas
Aamina - has raised $1,968.61 so far
I'm We are raising money for Aamina - because they are delivering aid to the most in need.
Jomah Alqasem has raised $1,171.29 so far
I'm provide playing ground square for orphans in Syria for Jomah Alqasem because They are one of the best charities in Syria