Girlings Gladiators will be taking on the Tough Mudder challenge on Saturday 17th July, will you sponsor us to help raise funds for our corporate charity Take Off?
The last year and a half has highlighted the importance of our mental health and wellbeing, and has proposed new challenges for all of us.
Take Off works for better physical and mental health and provides people with much needed ready-made social networks and peer support services. It uses a peer support model and most of its services take the form of self-help groups, which are either ‘talking’ or ‘doing’ focused. Even through the difficulties of the past year and a half, they have persevered and adapted so that they can continue to offer their service users the same fantastic support that they needed, even if at a distance or digitally.
Tough Mudder is a series of obstacle and mud runs that will push your physical and mental limits without the pressure of competition. A community built on teamwork and overcoming obstacles, where stepping outside your comfort zone is the reward.
“The last year has been particularly challenging for many people and it’s great to be involved in undertaking this Tough Mudder challenge for Take Off. For those that may feel physically and mentally stuck in the mud at times, there are always people around that can help you overcome even the toughest obstacles”
Jonathan Masucci (Team Captain)
Associate Solicitor, Corporate & Commercial team
“I'm really thrilled to take part in this exciting challenge, and looking forward to putting ourselves, and our teamwork to the test!”
Raphaëlle Davies - Litigation Executive, Girlings Personal Injury Claims
“Charities like Take Off are needed now more than ever, in light of the pandemic and the often negative impact it has had on people's physical and mental health. Very excited to be part of the Girlings Gladiators team taking part in this and raising money for this good cause... though not as excited about being electrocuted...”
Will Chrusciel - Assistant Solicitor, Employment Law
“I am so excited to be part of this thrill-seeking team where we will be putting our mental and physical strength to the test!”
Rabina Shrestha - Litigation Executive, Girlings Personal Injury Claims
“This event is all about teamwork, supporting each other over obstacles and encouraging others to reach the finish line. I’m excited and proud to be part of a team that works together – Bring on the mud!”
Charlotte Lambert - Social Media & Marketing Assistant