In July 2011 whilst on my way home after work, I was involved in a collision with a car. This really messed my day up, not to mention that of my family.
My sister was due to be married the next day and I was giving a speech, distinct possibility I may not be able to attend.
My wife was greeted by the Traffic Police who were waiting outside our house, she was informed that I had been involved in a road accident and that she needed to accompany them immediately to Frenchay hospital in Bristol. On arrival, she was asked to wait in the relatives room. Eventually, the staff came to get her and, not knowing what to expect, she was faced with this.
For nearly a week it was not known if I would wake or if I had sustained brain damage.
But, after several operations by some incredible doctors, and brilliant staff of the intensive care unit, I woke up, here are just some of the injuries.
Despite all of this…..
….you can`t keep a good man down!
The accident broke my back in eight places, broke several of my ribs and one lung collapsed. It caused me to have double vision due to nerve damage and a tear in my brain sac. Broke my arms, eye socket and some other injuries. I spent eight weeks in the Intensive care and High Dependancy Units of Frenchay hospital, Bristol of which I have no memory of, then a furthur thirteen weeks in a spinal unit. I am paralysed from the waist down and even now am trying to adapt to doing things without being able to use my legs or lower muscles. I do manage and have taught myself almost everything.
Remember, there is always someone worse off than yourself, thats one way I look at it, the other is that, from a military aspect, there are over 330 service personel families who would much rather have their lost loved ones in a wheelchair than where they actually are after making the ultimate sacrifice.If you have time, please read my Blog at please give generously to this worthy cause.
Thank you