On 27th December 2022, at the age of just 66, ex rugby league player, retired police sergeant, loving family man and friend to many, Tony Johnson sadly passed away. 6yrs ago he had just started his retirement with a full service and not a single day off when he was diagnosed with hereditary cardiac amyloidosis. As with his time on the field, Tony battled right to the very end. As a family and community we are heartbroken by the loss but we know that through #justgiving we can raise awareness and much needed funds to ensure future generations conquer this debilitating and life threatening disease.
Amyloidosis is a rare disease caused by damaging build up of abnormal protein fibres, called amyloid, within the tissues and organs. Amyloidosis can affect any part of the body and lead to life threatening organ failure. It causes the death of about one person in every thousand and there are about 6,000 cases in the UK at any time.
Donations to the Amyloidosis Research Fund within the Royal Free Charity supports the research, development and patients of the UK NHS National Amyloidosis Centre (NAC) at the Royal Free Hospital, where Tony himself took part in a pioneering clinical trial.
Please share this page with all you know and keep us up to date with any fundraising taking place so we can support you and watch the total grow in Tony’s memory.