The money you give will transform the lives of people like Zuleima.
Zuleima is a 35-year-old mother of three from Venezuela. It is a country struggling beneath the weight of a massive economic crisis.
Along with more than a million other Venezuelans, Zuleima made the decision to flee to neighbouring Colombia. [I was] leaving my house, my home, my memories, Zuleima says, It was very difficult to leave it all behind.
The church opened their doors, and they helped me, says Zuleima. Not only giving me food and a place to live, but also taking care of my emotions, giving me words of hope, giving me words of faith.
As well as providing support for refugees immediate needs, Tearfunds local church partners have been setting up support groups that help people like Zuleima find new income opportunities.
A gift of £24 could provide two women like Zuliema with the training and tools they need to provide a better future for their families