In August 2020 Beth's dad Mike was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. It has been very challenging to navigate this unpredictable and brutal illness. To feel like they were doing something constructive, Jo and Beth decided to set themselves a challenge that all their friends and family could get behind and be involved in.
Last month they completed 500km in June, breaking down sections of the distance so other supporters could be involved in Hikes, bike rides and local Parkrun routes. The engagement was wonderful and they hit their target of £5000.
This challenge gives an opportunity to others who haven't been involved so far, including all the young people in our lives; nieces, godsons and dear friends, who would like to do what they can to help reach the next target of £5000.
Jo has put together a Family Fundraiser Pack with sponsorship forms and ideas on what others can do to engage in this epic challenge. For more information email for a Fundraising Pack.
Beth and Jo will be cycling 1034miles in 10 days with the support of Nick, who will be leap frogging them in the support vehicle with a tent for them to sleep in along the way. They will be climbing some big hills and cycling for around 8hrs a day.
They will be posting updates on social media and here on the justgiving page, so watch this space.
instagram @mymojofitness @bethparryevans
Thank you for your support.