Our Dad, Jayu, was diagnosed with Progressive SupraNuclear Palsy (PSP) in September 2014 and passed away this December 2020. For the last 6 years, dad fought his hardest against his degenerative neurological disease with the loving support of our mum Harsha and us, his daughters Rupal and Meera.
Dad tried his very best to live the happiest life he could under the circumstances and as a tribute to him, we would like for his family and friends to donate to the PSPA Charity. This will go to fund vital research in the hopes that one day they can find a cure so that no-one else has to suffer.
Progressive SupraNuclear Palsy is a neurological condition caused by the premature loss of nerve cells in certain parts of the brain, he suffered with:
- Balance, Movement and Mobility
- Behavioural Changes
- Bladder and Bowel
- Swallowing and Breathing Difficulties
- Saliva and Oral Function
- Vision and Photo Phobia
- Speech and Communication
- Fatigue and Sleep
- Pain
- Regulating body temperature
Mum became his full time carer in 2016.
Dad would have appreciated if you took the time to learn more about PSP and the research being conducted by visiting the PSPA charity website:
The pandemic disrupted his life and care support, and his PSP was further complicated by his lung disease and fighting off Covid-19 in November. He kept a brave face even in his very last moments and passed away peacefully at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester with us by his side, holding his hands.
Dad and us would be grateful if you donated to the PSP Association (PSPA) to support those that are still suffering from the disease. Please remember to tick the gift aid box, so that the charity can claim back tax
Love Rupal, Meera and Mum (Harsha)
p.s.- and in true Jayu style, we have literally re-written this over 30 times and it will never be perfect! :)