Our Hannah was diagnosed with Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) shortly after her 12 week scan in pregnancy. Colin and I were devastated to learn of her diagnosis, but went on a journey of faith and hope that we'd get to meet her. We were so blessed that she survived the pregnancy and was born on 4 December 2020 weighing 1.89kg (4lb 2oz).
We spent 6 nights in Rainbows hospice where we were supported in caring for Hannah and made beautiful memories with her and Nathan. The staff at Rainbows enveloped us in love from the moment we arrived and treated our beautiful girl with such care. We had a happy time there, swimming in the hydro pool, painting her and Nathan's feet so we could do prints, had her Christened, shared walks in the garden and played in the children's lounge.
We then came home with Hannah and Rainbows continued to support us with home visits, phone calls, care and advice. After 5 weeks, we returned to Rainbows for 4 nights where they helped us to manage Hannah's pain and keep her comfortable. After this we went back home for her final 2,5 weeks before Hannah passed away in our arms peacefully at home.
She lived for 54 beautiful days and we will never forget the joy and love she brought into our family! We couldn't have made this journey without the support of Rainbows hospice and continue to be in touch with their family support team who are helping us all to deal with our loss.
We are therefore challenging ourselves (with the help of some of our wonderful friends) to each do 54 miles in the month of August. Whether it's a run, a dog walk, a pushchair walk with a friend or taking the kids for a bike ride.
Our financial target (£1 331) is based on Hannah's time of birth 13:31 which is special because like her name, it's a palindrome (it reads the same backwards as forwards).
Please help us by donating whatever you can to this very worthy charity. Even £5 will help children like Hannah and their families. Thank you!