As a nurse at MKUH I feel privileged to work at such a rewarding, warm and caring hospital and would like to give something back to the community. I enjoy a challenge and run in my spare time so thought why not combine the two?!
Members of our family and close friends have been affected by cancer and had treatment. With a diagnosis of cancer comes all the additional stress on personal relationships, physical and mental health as well as financal implications of regular/ongoing hospital visits to various locations disjointed care puts so much pressure on patients and their families thats unneccesary.
Milton Keynes cancer patients still have to travel to Northampton, Bedford or Oxford to access some of their treatments.
At the heart of all this is the extra pressure placed on the patient and their family during an already anxious and stressful time, resulting in lengthy journeys and disjointed care away from their local area.
A new cancer centre means the hospital can better support each and every cancer patient. We’ll be able to provide most of the cancer services they need in an excellent environment close to their homes catering for our patients and their families, too.
The new Milton Keynes Cancer Centre will be a dedicated space offering treatment and a wide range of information and support services to anyone affected by cancer, all within a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Importantly, the new cancer centre will bring together most treatments under one roof – where currently cancer care is provided in three different locations on the hospital site.