ME (or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS) is a life destroying illness but entirely undetectable by doctors. No-one seems to know the cause or cure, but it's real.
Imagine not having the energy to do the simplest of things in life (driving to work or even getting out of bed) and not knowing when you'll get better - weeks, months or even years.
How can a disease this common and this devastating have been forgotten by medicine?
I believe that only biomedical research can find the causes of ME/CFS, improve diagnosis and treatment and ultimately arrive at a cure. That’s why research is so important.
ME Research UK have awarded 43 grants since 2000 and invested over £1.4 million. Every month now there's more and more research being unleashed, but is much more is need and research is expensive.
Your help is hugely appreciated by all sufferers of ME.
Thank you,