I miss my dad. Nobody should have to go though cancer. It ruins everything. We lost him in April 2009 and he has missed so much of our lives since. Me moving out, having my son, my brother graduating from university. The list goes on. No amount of fund raising will ever bring him back, but we can potentially stop more people succumbing to cancer of even help them have a better quality of live. The most important thing is early intervention and knowing the sings.
Im booked in for the shave on Tuesday the 16th of August at 9:30am!
I pilfered this from an obituary and tweaked a couple of bits
Neil Bone, was from Campbeltown. He worked as a science geek in lab. My main memories are the yeast experiments. He sadly died after a short battle with cancer which he faced with courage and his distinctive sense of humour. He said he was dying to get out of the hospice. Sadly he did die to get out of there. Neil studied in Edinburgh, and worked there and in Cambridge, he eventually settled in Chichester, working in Brighton.
In 1992 he joined Dr John Armstrong's group, and worked there for a series of projects supported by the Cancer Research Campaign, the Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council.
Neil also had a remarkable parallel career in astronomy, writing and contributing to several books and many periodicals, giving popular talks around the country and informing the media about astronomical events.
A simple Google of Neil Bone will bring up loads more info.