Last year on Father's Day to raise funds and awareness for MS which my Dad suffered with for 21 years before his death when I was 18, I climbed Snowdon 3 times in under 12 hours covering over a marathon in distance . If that wasn't enough I made the challenge harder by wearing a 45 lbs pack in smashing wind & rain to make it even more of a challenge. Thanks to you I raised £5120 for Multiple Sclerosis.
To take it to ANOTHER LEVEL my next challenge fundraiser is to Cross the Arctic Ocean for Spinal Research covering 200 miles .
WHY Spinal Research?
My brother Jonathan was involved in a road traffic accident and that day told he would never walk again - he was only 22.
So at his suggestion I want to raise money for Spinal Research. Did you know that everyday three people in the UK are told they will never walk again? And 1 in 5 spinal cord injured patients are forced to live in care homes? I didn't either.
MILLIONS of pounds get raised for more known charities such as Cancer Research it's the smaller ones that need people like myself to help these charities get noticed & funded.
Spinal Research raises money to fund research into clinical treatments. Costs are higher than those of comparable conditions such as Dementia and Multiple Sclerosis.
This time round I've decided to challenge my endurance, my fear of walking over hidden bottomless crevasses, and venturing into polar bear territory - all the time in the below freezing temperatures of the Arctic.
.This expedition entails moving on cross country touring skis that I've never done before pulling a pulk over melting ice the time of year which is most dangerous !
This is a serious challenge Surviving the arctic climate tests an individual on a number of levels. It tests endurance both physically and mentally with its unforgiving nature. It tests survival knowledge and ability to adapt. But most of all it tests the will to survive. I will be looking forward to this over the weeks I'm in the Arctic circle.
Thanks for reading & please Help with any amount of donation as it all helps .
Best wishes