After a really tough time of it last year, including 2 weeks in hospital, my wife was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. It is a disease that currently has no cure and requires regular medication or treatment –treatment that suppresses the immune system to stop the body fighting itself (not ideal in a pandemic!). Over the last year my wife has had some support from some amazing people and one charity that literally has an answer to every question you could possibly think of is Crohn’s & Colitis UK. As well as providing valuable support to those impacted by this and other IBDs, they campaign to raise awareness and break down the stigma that is often attached to these illnesses.
To help raise money for this very worthy charity I have set myself the somewhat optimistic challenge of running 1,000km over 2021. Up to the beginning of 2020 my running experience mainly consisted of rocking up on a Saturday morning for the local parkrun. I was going to have to do more than the odd 5k to get this done! Now with over three quarters of the year down, currently somewhat behind target (ahh!) and dark nights and cold mornings now here (double ahh!) I’m asking you to give whatever you can to help motivate me reach this goal and support this very worthwhile charity.