[Version Fran
Merci de visiter ma page de collecte de fonds pour l'association "
Hope for Chidren" ("Espoir pour les enfants" en francais)!
Je vais tenter de courir mon premier marathon, et celui-ci aura lieu en Ecosse, plus precisement à
Edimbourg (quelques photos
ici). Mon entrainement se deroule sur 12 semaines, non sans quelques "bobos"
, mais mon épouse et infirmiere preferée veille sur moi!
Pour cette première, j'ai choisi de courir pour l'association "
Hope for Children", et ainsi collecter des fonds pour cette
organisation internationale venant en aide aux enfants dé
s, pauvres et malades du monde entier. Par exemple, avec 3 Livres Sterling vous pouvez parainer un enfant pour que celui-ci recoive une é
ducation, une repas quotidien, des soins medicaux et surtout une chance de connaitre un meilleur avenir. Courir pour cette association me tient à coeur, en tant que futur papa d'un petit
garçon prevu pour le mois d'Août (a Summer Baby!!)
[English Version]
Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.
Even the smallest donation goes a long way at hope. From just £3 you can sponsor a child from the slums to receive an education, daily nutrition, medical care but ultimately a chance of better future. Just £5 wil help us screen 30 children. Even £10 can make a difference to a family for a week. £20 will sponsor a child to include school equipment and meals. £20 will buy a Cholera Kit which contains basic nursing care equipment, medicines, water purification equipment and oral and intravenous rehydration solutions.
It is my first marathon so far, so I will be putting everything I have into this first one!
I am aiming for 3.45 but to be honest I will be happy to get accross that finish line in one piece. Please find some pictures
My training will last !" weeks (something close to ONE day ONE run!), with some pains, but my spouse as well as my favourite nurse
take care of me!
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It’s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Hope for Children gets your money faster and, if you’re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
I am very glad to run for this Charity, as a future father of a baby boy due in August.
So please sponsor me now!