My Challenge
Inspired by this Hadith I have decided to complete a voluntary fast everyday until the start of Ramadan, insha'Allah. I intend on maintaining my heavy workload and all my commitments during the days, as I normally would so no sleeping half the day away!!
I think many of us, including myself, have build a resilience to seeing suffering around the world, especially in Africa. It is important that we remind ourselves and are thankful to Allah (swt) for our own blessed lives and we actively strive to complete our duty to help others.
I will provide daily updates on my Facebook status
The Harsh Reality
A deadly combination of successive failed rains and rising food prices has resulted in the worst drought the Horn of Africa has seen for 60 years. There are over 14 million lives now at risk, with a child dying every 6 minutes. We must act NOW!
Every pound you donate could make the difference between death and survival
£75 can feed a family for a month
£270 can treat 3 severely malnourished children
£920 can provide clean water to 20 families for a month
£10,000 can run a mobile health clinic for 3 months