I've been told I have funny feet...
Fundraising for WWF-UK
Fundraising for WWF-UK
Thank you for visiting this donations page -
for my London Marathon run - BAREFOOT - in support of WWF.
That’s right, in April I'll be running 26.2 miles with not a bean on my feet!
Inspired by Mexico's Tarahumara Indians - who run barefoot for hundreds of miles
without rest, while enjoying every minute of it - I've been running barefoot since 1st Nov.
'The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.'
Leonardo da Vinci
Barefoot running brings freedom & simplicity, utilising the natural gifts of the body:
the energy-filled springs of the legs, the ever-adapting shock-absorbers of the ankles,
heels & toes and the miracle of two feet - each with the supple resiliency of 26 bones
and 33 joints. Works of art, indeed!
To find out more, read the best-seller, Born To Run - but beware, it could be life-changing!
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If you’d like to help me reach my fundraising goal of £2620, here’s a few
ways your donation can help World Wildlife Fund in their work:
£10 buys 40 seedlings to help replant the forests of Tanzania
£25 pays a Rhino Protection Unit ranger's salary for 10 days
£100 funds the training of one villager, in Borneo, to become a Wildlife Warden
& for a taste of what WWF do, see footage of rhino relocation... by helicopter:
Whatever you can afford to give will be most valuable and very gratefully received
- as will your message of support.
Thank you & look out for two bare feet on race day - silly me!
* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.