Hi All,
Welcome to one of my 2 fundraising pages for The Roger Randell Ramble. I am looking to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research and Shelterbox by walking the Coast of Cornwall (287 miles) between 3rd April and 26th April 2009.
As the name of my event suggests I will be doing so in memory of my wonderful and much missed Dad Roger Randell who sadly lost his battle with kidney cancer in June 2006. It would have been his 70th birthday at the end of April 2009. He was a proud Cornishman and therefore it seemed right to walk its coast in memory of him and to do so during that month.
He was also a supporter of the Cornish based charity Shelterbox and the vital work they do worldwide and therefore I wanted to support them on his behalf.
Please give as generously as you are able - all is appreciated and received with much thanks.
Dawn x