Thanks for standing with us this year – with your help we have:
- Communicated the gospel to approximately 250,000 men
- Seen CVM grow into an international evangelistic movement
- Distributed Defenders to the UK church which was seen by an estimated 40,000 people on Remembrance day hearing the gospel of Jesus
- Seen evangelistic grass roots movement grow to 520 groups with an estimated 100,000 men a year hearing the gospel through you guys on the ground
- Grown The Gathering by 30% to become our biggest ever evangelistic weekend, and saw dozens of guys get saved
- Trained and equipped hundreds of churches, leaders and men's groups including denominations and networks
- Lobbied on issues such as porn addiction and preventing violence against women
- Released The Manual – groundbreaking daily notes for men
- Completed work on a Bible for men (for release 2013)
- Seen The Code movement spread internationally
- Further developed work in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales,
- Started an intern programme to develop and disciple young men
- Worked in partnership with New Wine, Restored, Care, Hope, Fusion, Sorted, Global Adventure
- Set up a male specific apologetics department
- Run a national tour in 12 locations
- Developed a key and groundbreaking work involving online evangelism (secret squirrel!)
And there's more ... but we think we're only scratching the surface of our vision to reach a million UK men with the great news of Jesus.