We did it!
Sally Fletcher raised £1,353 from 79 supporters
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Closed 17/05/2021
Iʼve raised £1,353 to help with Bj park
- Funded on Monday, 17th May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
‘The Big Woolly Easter Hunt’ we are look to raise a bit of money for the bj park ....by doing some yarn bombing in the form of a ‘Woolly Easter Hunt’ and post box top’s...most people have used the park at sometime or another and it is due for a revamp and we are looking for your support...in the form of a small donation ....Thank You so much and happy hunting 🐣
ps.. please only take one so everyone gets a chance to find one ...thankyou
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Sally Fletcher started crowdfunding
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Apr 9, 2021
Great stuff!
Gerry Young
Apr 5, 2021
Brightens up the village! Keep up the good work.
Helen Kennedy
Apr 5, 2021
Fab job Sally & the wool fairies
The Fletcher’s
Apr 5, 2021
What a lovely magical Easter Day! Thank you to all the very talented kind hearted wool fairies.
Michelle h
Apr 4, 2021
Well done to all , fantastic effort .
Liz Young
Apr 4, 2021
We have very much enjoyed the post box tops through the year and enjoyed finding an Easter chick on our walk today. Thank you
Apr 4, 2021
We loved doing the hunt today and the girls love their crochet creations. Thanks xx
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