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Amy Adkins raised £250 from 13 supporters


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Closed 21/08/2023

raised of £1,000 target by 13 supporters

    Iʼve raised £250 to Help Raise Funds for Cat Welfare Luton, to cover the costs for Trixie and Jim's treatment.

    Funded on Monday, 21st August 2023

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Trixie and Squinty Jim

    Cat Welfare Luton graciously agreed to help with these two cats that form part of a semi-feral colony at our livery yard.

    Squinty Jim, who is about 10 years old has got a condition called entropion - this means that both of his bottom eyelids turn inwards, causing his eye lashes to constantly be rubbing on his eyes. Jim is semi-feral, but is actually quite lovely, but sadly flinches when you go to stroke his head, as his eyes are so sore. I can't imagine the pain that Jim must have been in.

    Thankfully Jim has corrective surgery last week, and his eyes are healing well. Unfortunately he did have to be rushed back to the vets for overnight hospitalisation as he had developed a temperature and wasn't eating. After a night at the vets with medications and fluids, Jim started to feel better and went back to the rescue to continue his recovery.

    Trixie gave birth a few days before she was taken to Cat Welfare Luton, and sadly both her kittens were found deceased. Trixie herself was found to have a serious post birth infection that made her very poorly, which was probably why she lost her babies. She was found very unwell, so she went straight to the vets where she had sedation and x-rays to make sure that there were no babies left inside her, and the vets gave her antibiotics and pain relief to help bring her temperature down.

    She was spayed last week after the infection was under control, and is making a very good recovery.

    As Sally (Cat Welfare Luton) says 'with feral cats that will be returned to site, they there are always a massive bill to get them well enough to be released, and these are the ones that need our help the most. We will always try and help them as they have no one else.'

    Please help me in covering the costs that were incurred for both Jim and Trixie, so that their vet bills can be covered. I hope that we can exceed our target, so that the rest of the donations can go towards aiding the next cat in distress that Cat Welfare Luton need to assist.

    If you could please give just a little, it will all help - and me, Sally and future cats will be extremely grateful. Thank you



    • Amy  Adkins2 years ago
      Amy  Adkins

      Amy Adkins

      2 years ago

      So Jim (not squinty anymore) and Trixie have been back with their little semi-feral clan now for about 3 weeks and are both doing very well. Jim has finally got used to his eyes not hurting him and has been seen around the yard sun bathing and relaxing. Trixie (Mummy cat) is very happy to be back with her friend Stevie and they have also been seen sleeping together enjoying the sun. Thank you so much for donating towards the costs of getting them to this stage. Without the support and help of Cat Welfare Luton they would not be this happy.

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    • Amy  Adkins2 years ago
      Amy  Adkins

      Amy Adkins

      2 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    2 years ago

    Amy Adkins started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 6/2/2023 21.52



    • Laura


      Jun 2, 2023


    • Anonymous


      Apr 30, 2023


    • Susan Young

      Susan Young

      Apr 30, 2023


    • Anonymous


      Apr 30, 2023


    • Georgie T

      Georgie T

      Apr 25, 2023

      A truly worthy cause x


    • Megan P

      Megan P

      Apr 25, 2023

      My hand rears from Amy said they can go without dreamies this month to help other cats in need


    • Anonymous


      Apr 24, 2023


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    About Crowdfunding
    About the fundraiser
    Amy  Adkins

    Amy Adkins


    I am trying to fund raise on the behalf of a rescue called Cat Welfare Luton. Cat Welfare Luton go out of their way to help any cat in distress, and being a small rescue, they rely on private donations to be able to help all the cats that they do.

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