We did it!
Deb Cooke raised £9,749 from 738 supporters
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Closed 08/07/2017
Iʼve raised £9,749 to Luke "Skywalker" Kaye is a Swindon Comic Con legend. Whilst running this year's Comic Con, he was burgled :( leading to a loss of earnings
- Swindon, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 8th July 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
From Luke's FB page ...
I have just found out that I had a break in at my house
Without going into lots of details
This is the most important below
If you have made a booking for skywalkers disco I need you to email me at skywalkers@btconnet.com. Asap
The thief has took everything booking forms , and contracts as well as cash
Any info please contact the wiltshire police with this crime number 54170050646
Reward for information leading to the recovery of contracts etc or a conviction
This has put a nasty lump in my throat and I really can't see me bouncing back from this !
Why is the world full of nasty jealous people all I ever do is make people happy and help people out !
At this moment in time I can't put food on the table and I can't pay the mortgage and bills as the thief new what he wanted !
The shop will be closing so if anybody wants anything come grab a bargain
Please spread the word
Don't forget if you have booked skywalkers for a event or disco email urgently skywalkers@btconnect.com
- 8 years ago
Deb Cooke
8 years ago£8,800 !! People are apologising for donating small amounts ... any amount is much appreciated .. it all adds up ... look what everyone has raised !! Keep sharing!! Keep it real <3
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- 8 years ago
Deb Cooke
8 years agoEveryone, you've been incredible .. over £6,000 raised within 8 hours !! Keep sharing .. Keep it real <3
Share this update to help us raise more
- 8 years ago
Deb Cooke
8 years agoAmazing people !! You've raised over £1500 in a couple of hours .. please keep sharing the link and post it on other sites you think might be of interest <3 x
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Deb Cooke started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jun 20, 2017
Jun 16, 2017
Good luck mate!
Kelly Marriott
Jun 14, 2017
We love from all at the Nationwide Regent Street Branch 🎂😊
lisa little
Jun 14, 2017
Keep going luke , your a decent guy x
Shay Morris
Jun 14, 2017
For the smile you put on my son's face at the fun fair in Hereford over the Easter bank holiday this is the least I could do! He didn't stop talking about meeting Mr Tumble for weeks!
James Zeun
Jun 13, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Luke is clearly devastated. I really hope he doesn't close his shop because of one scumbag - it's an understandably emotional response but he should know loads of people appreciate what he does.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Deb Cooke
Swindon, United Kingdom
This leaves such a sour taste in my mouth .. we've just had a brilliant weekend at Comic Con for this to happen :(