We did it!
Sarah Phillips raised £6,774.32 from 181 supporters
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Closed 05/08/2017
Iʼve raised £6,774 to pay for an extension and adaptions to our house to accommodate our profoundly disabled daughter.
- Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 5th August 2017
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We are raising money for an extension and house adaptions to accommodate our disabled daughter Rosie.
Rosie was born on 9th January 2014. All seemed well. We already have two boys so to have a girl was amazing.
Nothing seemed different until a week before Rosie was 4 months old when she had her first seizure while I was out shopping.
Nothing could prepare us for what was to come after that day.
Weeks and months passed and the seizures continued and Rosies development stopped. No medication worked and the seizures continued.
We have no definate diagnosis as doctors have done all they can to find the problem. We do know her brain didn't develop fully.
Rosie is adorable and beautiful and makes us laugh but she is nearly 3 years old and has no development.
She can not see, sit,talk or walk. She still has no head control and is fed through a gastrostomy tube.
Life has changed forever and now we need to change our home to support our new life.
We will need an extension,lift, specialist bathroom and lots of equipment.
Our local authority do provide a proportion of funding but no where near enough.
We could not afford to re-mortgage or borrow the money but the adaptions are essential.
I hope you can help
Sarah and stuart
- 8 years ago
Sarah Phillips
8 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 8 years ago
Sarah Phillips
8 years agoThank you everybody who is supporting us and helping me get my bath and the other things that will help my mum and dad look after me. love Rosie xxx
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- 8 years ago
Sarah Phillips
8 years agoI would like to thank Vibe Tickets and to my good friends Luke Massie and John Hill. Tonight they have generously £1000 to out JustGiving.. What an amazing gesture..Many thanks
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- 8 years ago
Sarah Phillips
8 years agoThank you everyone who has supported us so far xxx
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Sarah Phillips started crowdfunding
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Clarke family
Jul 24, 2017
Money raised for Rosie from furniture sales as promised xxx
Susan Cheetham
Jul 20, 2017
Clare Evans
Jul 9, 2017
We'll done Val, lots of love xxxx
Christine Hall
Jul 9, 2017
Well done sis and the other ladies conquering the 3 peaks yesterday xx
Jul 8, 2017
Sarah Edwards
Jul 8, 2017
Stephen Casstles
Jul 8, 2017
For a lovely little girl. From your neighbors,Margaret and Ste
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