We did it!
Sarah breslin raised £5,643 from 61 supporters
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Closed 27/09/2017
Iʼve raised £5,643 to The beautiful, special little boy Caleb, who has Retinoblastoma and needs continuous treatment in Switzerland
- Derry, Ireland
- Funded on Wednesday, 27th September 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
This is our little rock Caleb.
From 3 days old we have been on the road traveling to Dublin’s Temple Street for a EUA (Examination under Anaesthetic) every 3 weeks. At 9wks old we were told that Caleb had Retinablastoma (Retinoblastoma is a form of cancer that rapidly develops from the immature cells of a retina, the light-detecting tissue of the eye.)
From then our world was turned upside down.
Caleb started his 6 rounds of chemotherapy a week later in Royal children’s hospital Belfast.
After his 1st round he got sepsis from his central line, he was a very sick baby on top of what was going on. In between all the chemo we go to Dublin for cryotherapy. Caleb finished his chemo on the 25th October.
With EUA (Examination under Anaesthetic) every 3 weeks after that too he was also receiving laser treatment. Until now it has been kept in control. But there has been a dramatic change.
Caleb has been referred to a specialised treatment centre in Switzerland.
Updates appear here
Sarah breslin started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Sep 21, 2017
Debbie,keith Stewart
Sep 13, 2017
Malek Sedira
Sep 9, 2017
J'espère de tout coeur que votre enfant sera rapidement guéri. Bon courage.
Jacques Hirt
Sep 9, 2017
Good luck 👍
Sep 8, 2017
Beaucoup de courage à vous!
Darren Keenan
Sep 7, 2017
Good luck
Sep 6, 2017
God bless your little boy... #NeverGiveUp. My prayers go to you and your family
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