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Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark raised £2,560.6 from 64 supporters


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Closed 13/08/2020

raised of £500 target by 64 supporters

    Iʼve raised £2,560 to Help Covid-19 vaccine development with Professor Sarah Gilbert and her team at Oxford University

    Devon, UK
    Funded on Thursday, 13th August 2020

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Rose, Gryffin, and Bryn (aged 12, 10 and 4) hope to raise money to help fund urgent Covid-19 vaccine development. With a vaccine, they could see their grandparents safely. To help raise funds, between them they will run 143.1 miles around the field at the bottom of their garden, the distance from their house to their nearest grandparent, Granny.

    Scientists around the world are working hard to develop a vaccine to prevent COVID-19. A team in Oxford led by Prof. Sarah Gilbert, Prof. Andrew Pollard, Prof. Teresa Lambe, Dr Sandy Douglas and Prof. Adrian Hill started work designing a vaccine on Saturday 10th January 2020. They have identified a vaccine candidate and are working towards the first clinical testing phase.



    • Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark5 years ago
      Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

      Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

      5 years ago

      27/05/20 ...they ran through the field to the finish line! 143.1 miles run to Granny, and £2406 raised so far! The story is in the Exeter Express & Echo tomorrow and is on Devon Live today: We will continue to collect money for one more week & will post any news updates. Then, all donations will be given to the Jenner Institute. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED BY DONATING, READING THE POSTS & SENDING LOVELY MESSAGES. ROSE, GRYFF, BRYN, LAURA & HENRY X

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark5 years ago
      Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

      Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

      5 years ago

      27/05/20 To see Sniffles, WHO AMAZINGLY HAPPENED TO BE THERE WAITING! Sniffles is the closest to the children. Then...

      Update from the Page owner

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    • Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark5 years ago
      Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

      Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

      5 years ago

      2705/20 FINISHED!!! Rose: 0.88 miles. TOTAL: 63.88 MILES Gryffin: 0.33 miles. TOTAL: 63.88 MILES Bryn: 0.33 miles. TOTAL: 15.36 MILES For the final run, Rose, Gryffin & Bryn ran across the field in which they started their Run to Granny...

      Update from the Page owner

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    5 years ago

    Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 6/10/2020 08.56



    • Anonymous


      Jun 10, 2020

      Well done! From Ava and the Hepburn familyxx


    • Saskia van Schalkwyk

      Saskia van Schalkwyk

      Jun 4, 2020

      Well done to you all - an amazing achievement. Mrs Van

    • Auntie Trisha

      Auntie Trisha

      Jun 4, 2020

      Well done to you all! Lots of love Auntie Trisha xxx


    • Anonymous


      Jun 4, 2020

      To Rose, Gryffin, Bryn, Bobbie, Sniffles, Rocky the Crocky, Very Noisy Lawnmower, Wiggles the Duck, Lightning McQueen, Alf, Spot, Frank the Combine Harvester, Stripey/Lion, Speedy/Hobby Horse!! X


    • Anonymous


      Jun 2, 2020


    • Nain and Taid

      Nain and Taid

      Jun 2, 2020

      Hoorah, Hooray, Caloo, Calay - you've done it!!! What incredible, amazing children you are! Be very proud of yourselves. Love Nain & Taid XXXX X is for Sniffles


    • Hedley-Dent family

      Hedley-Dent family

      May 29, 2020

      Well done Rose, Gryffin, Bryn... amazing effort and fantastic result!


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    Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

    Rose, Gryffin & Bryn Gordon Clark

    Devon, UK

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