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Dr Joel Vos raised £20 from 1 supporter
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Closed 12/06/2017
Iʼve raised £20 to Support research into Mental Health. Empowering people in difficult life situations to live a full life using psychological techniques.
- London, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 12th June 2017
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Punk4MentalHealth supports mental health research. All money raised will be used to develop a new revolutionary type of psychological support to help individuals in difficult life situations to live a meaningful and satisfying life despite their problems.
This psychological support will be developed in three projects: individuals facing socio-economic problems, people confronted with a chronic or life-threatening disease such as cancer or chronic pain, and individuals grieving over the loss of a person.
Meaning-centered support usually starts by telling individuals that they are in a difficult life situation which naturally influences how they live their life and how they feel. Therefore, their problems are neither psychologised nor diagnosed, but seen as a normal response to abnormal situations.
Meaning-centered practitioners do not to focus on what individuals cannot do (anymore), but to find and use the freedom within the metaphorical cages in their life. They empower people by offering them a range of psychological tools to live an authentic and full life despite their situation, without telling them what to do.
The money will give researchers time and resources to develop and improve meaning-centered practices. Thanks to these projects, better mental health care will be developed, which will be made widely available over the long term via national and private mental health services.
All projects will be coordinated by Dr Joel Vos from the Centre for Research in Social and psychological Transformation (CREST) at the University of Roehampton.
All donations and profits from Punk4MentalHealth will directly go these research projects, without overhead costs.
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Dr Joel Vos started crowdfunding
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Alison Naylor
Apr 1, 2017
Blooming brilliant! Good luck, boys and girls xx
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Dr Joel Vos
London, United Kingdom
Dr Vos is a Reader in the Department of Psychology at the University of Roehampton and also works in the Centre for Research in Social and Psychological Transformation (CREST), which is a hub of internationally recognised research activity in the psychological therapies field.