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Alex Fearnley raised £385 from 26 supporters
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Closed 19/08/2017
Iʼve raised £385 to Help the family of Hakeem Pickering-Smith visit their son while he is undergoing rehabilitation after a serious road traffic incident.
- Funded on Saturday, 19th August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
In December 2016, Hakeem Pickering-Smith was involved in a serious road traffic collision outside Hillsborough stadium. He is now residing in a rehabilitation center in Surrey, suffering from severe brain damage and the possibility that he will not walk or talk again.
Hakeem's family is a local family from Foxhill who have had to take time off work in order to visit him and stay with him during this time. However, this has meant that they are not obtaining regular income to pay for the bills we all face and visit their son in this testing time. This is where NCS team 7 has got involved.
We are looking to raise some funds in order to alleviate the stress placed on Hakeem's family. The money raised will allow his family to visit Hakeem while he undertakes the long road to recovery. This remains close to our hearts. We would appreciate all donations as they would benefit his family in giving Hakeem the support he needs.
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Alex Fearnley started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Aug 8, 2017
Kelly Roberts
Aug 8, 2017
Thinking of you Hakeem xx
Aug 5, 2017
Zoe Brodrick
Aug 2, 2017
Hope it helps the family x
Paul Turton
Aug 1, 2017
Jul 29, 2017
Jul 28, 2017
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