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Linda Allbutt raised £1,450 from 53 supporters
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Closed 08/10/2017
Iʼve raised £1,450 to support women and girls who struggle to get access to sanitary products on a monthly basis to.
- Stafford, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 8th October 2017
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It's as simple as the photo suggests. For many women it is a stark choice between tampons/towels or food. Every single month they are faced with this bloody awful choice...forgive the pun...a desperate situation for any woman. However, in a wealthy country like ours it is an absolute outrage. There are some great women out there already doing what they can to help our sisters and I've already been involved in a small way. Now I feel it's time to take it up a notch and ask for your help. What I would love to do is to initially supply all of our local foodbanks and shelters with enough sanitary products for all who need them. After that, who knows what we can all do. Please give what you can and ask others to do the same and let's give all women the dignity and Period Power we all deserve
- 8 years ago
Linda Allbutt
8 years agoAnother Anonymous donation. Again I think I know who you are. You are so kind.
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- 8 years ago
Linda Allbutt
8 years agoThank you Dittany Morgan. You are so kind. Could you let me know which foodbank you work at?
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- 8 years ago
Linda Allbutt
8 years agoAnother great donation. Thank you so much Laura Stacey.
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Linda Allbutt started crowdfunding
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Diane S
Oct 5, 2017
Delighted to support a project which reaches out on a truly fundamental need for women. Much love. Diane
Sep 9, 2017
Well done Linda xx
Sep 9, 2017
You have certainly enlightened me about this very unbelievable need in the UK. Please register as a charity so we can raise some meaningful funds.Well done you! x
Dittany Morgan
Sep 7, 2017
Very good idea. I work at the foodbank and sanitary products are always in short supply's
laura stacey
Sep 7, 2017
Eleanor Morton
Sep 7, 2017
Sep 6, 2017
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