We did it!
Kieran White raised £1,649.8 from 82 supporters
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Closed 13/02/2020
Iʼve raised £1,649 to To raise funds for Veterans suffering with PTSD all proceeds go to help combat mental health issues.
- Wigan
- Funded on Thursday, 13th February 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
**please read**
Just a update... we will not be donating any money to ‘minds at war’ if you wish to know more contact me via the facebook page or email me at kieranwhite1991@gmail.com and I will tell you our reasons we will however be working with a charity called rock2recovery founded by Jamie and foxy from SAS who dares wins... they do amazing work, and the British legion Wigan branch. You may request a refund on just giving if you actually wanted to give it to minds at war and if you donated cash I will refund you as I’ve got the pot at my house 👍🏽
The walk is still going ahead as planned so not to worry 💪🏽
Me and my good friend are both veterans and have seen first hand the horrors of PTSD and have both found it hard since leaving the forces. So we have teamed up and have planned a series of back breaking expeditions to raise funds.
We will be donating to Rock2Recovery. Rock2Recovery provides specialist change management coaching for veterans and their families. R2R has hundreds of clients and help to save life first and then change life by helping families face the future with confidence and hope. As one Army veteran said "R2R, Malcolm Williams and Jamie Sanderson have saved my life. I would not be here without them".
We will also be donating to the Royal British Legion as the work they do with the Veteran community is outstanding!
We will be heading out on the UK's hardest national trail that spans from over the Scottish boarder all the way down to the midlands covering 268 miles over mountains and moors. the average time is 16-19 days but we will be looking to complete it within 10 days carry all the kit we need on our backs with no support. The walk alone is unbelievably long and hard but add 20+kg of kit and it takes it to the next level.
Please get behind this and show your support to the Veteran community and let them know they are not fighting this alone.
Updates appear here
Kieran White started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Chris Newiss
Aug 13, 2019
Wow guys, unbelievable time and supreme effort, I know how tough that must have been...a massive well done
Al Keith
Jul 26, 2019
Good effort old pal! Constantly serving!💪 ubique
Jodie Lyon
Jul 26, 2019
Well done Jordan & kieran,
Jul 25, 2019
You guys are amazing. See you when you are home
Faye Molyneux
Jul 25, 2019
Jul 25, 2019
Well done a great thing to do especially in this heat and going great keep it up lads
Lindsey Saunders
Jul 21, 2019
Good luck lads!
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