We did it!
Catherine Harrison raised £1,225 from 36 supporters
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Closed 06/08/2021
Iʼve raised £1,225 to create a bike ‘pump’ track for our village
- Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire
- Funded on Friday, 6th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Can you help fund a bike ‘pump’ track for our village?
A pump track is a gravel circuit of bumps and banked turns for riding around on a bike. Pump tracks are great for older children and teens who enjoy practicing tricks on the hills. Younger children and toddlers enjoy running up and down hills or going over them on their balance bikes. Currently Acklings playing field (past the Pendon Museum at the end of the High Street) has very few amenities and is not well used. The addition of a pump track circuit would provide a healthy outdoor activity for the younger members of our village community, and fit well with the existing basketball court and forest school area.
This really exciting community project has support from the Parish Council and commitment from Vanderbilt homes to provide and deliver topsoil and gravel from the new development.
But we still need to raise funds for equipment hire, signage and some surfacing materials. Please donate here and share with others who might also want to support it. All going well we could have it in place for the summer holidays!
Any surplus funds will be used to extend the basketball area.
Contact Catherine at crmharrison@me.com if you want to get involved in the project.
Existing field at Acklings
Example of pump track at South Moreton
- 4 years ago
Catherine Harrison
4 years agoHi Everyone, I am delighted to say that the pump track is now finished! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this project - either through donations, time in building the track, equipment, or, baking to feed hungry volunteers! This has been a truly magnificent village effort. We have some funds left over to put towards the widening of the basketball area. This has been dug out and prepared but will be finished once we have the materials we need. We will also be purchasing and installing a picnic table.
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Catherine Harrison started crowdfunding
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Katie-May Carberry
May 23, 2021
Grace Ellens
May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021
May 22, 2021
Peter Greenland
May 18, 2021
Anna, Matt, Margot and Sami
May 9, 2021
How exciting - what a great idea!
May 4, 2021
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Catherine Harrison
Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire
I live in Long Wittenham. In 2017 I raised funds and managed the revamp of the Bodkin’s playground. I was the Chair of Trustees of Long Wittenham Preschool from 2017-2019 and currently sit as a Governor for the village school board of governors.